1.1 Mapping The User
1.2 Mapping The Collection
1.3 Exploring Interfaces
1.4 Designing & Prototyping
The Interface
1.5 Stations: Interaction +
1.6 Weekly Questions
1.4.3 Presentation:
Final Interface
1.4.4 Reflection On User
1.4.2 Design Proposal
1.1.2 Presentation Mapping
User Group & Collection
1.4.2 Documentation
User Testing
1.1.1 Exploring The Other
1.2.1 Exploring The Context
1.3.1 Exploring Interfaces
1.4.1 Design Process
1.5.1 Publication Station
UX/UI & Prototyping
1.5.2 Interaction Station
Interfaces & Machine Learning
Class notes on what is AI, evolution of AI, use cases, examples
We made use of Arduino and edge impulse to record two sounds - "go" and "stop" and tried to train the algorithm to distinguish between these words (In a group with Stefan)
In another class we made use of Arduino movement recognition censors and trained the algorithm so that different movements could be recognized and identified
Further prototyping with Arduino can be found in DESIGN PROCESS page