1.1 Mapping The User
1.2 Mapping The Collection
1.3 Exploring Interfaces
1.4 Designing & Prototyping
The Interface
1.5 Stations: Interaction +
1.6 Weekly Questions
1.4.3 Presentation:
Final Interface
1.4.4 Reflection On User
1.4.2 Design Proposal
1.1.2 Presentation Mapping
User Group & Collection
1.4.2 Documentation
User Testing
1.1.1 Exploring The Other
1.2.1 Exploring The Context
1.3.1 Exploring Interfaces
1.4.1 Design Process
1.5.1 Publication Station
UX/UI & Prototyping
1.5.2 Interaction Station
Interfaces & Machine Learning
First associations and brainstorming on user groups and assigned contexts within class, trying to find differences and connecting elements
Notes and discussions on visualizing and metaphors
Context is a frame, same toy placed in different context can attract different users (collectible figures in kindergarten - kid's toy, in antiques store - valuable collectible, in museum - valuable piece of art)
Metaphor examples: double diamond, Maslow's pyramid, Donut economy, etc
Brainstorming and metaphors I came up with:
1) Colors represent music: Red - aggressive, Blue - calm, etc
2) Shapes sorting toy as a visual metaphor: different shapes represent different styles/types of music: is the shape sharp? Is it a rectangle with sharp corners? maybe its a smooth sphere?
Conclusions and first ideas of interfaces depending on class material and visual metaphors:Colorful interactive mat, shape sorter, Stem player
Further, individual my and Sophie's research
User stories: As a ......... I want to ........... so that ...........
Note: try to specify the user and contexts, choose the best ones
Visualizing the idea on in-class and individual (in-group) research